Association Analysis in R


Practice R commands/methods for descriptive data analysis. If you are already familiar with some of the commands/methods, you can just practice the ones that are new to you.

Note: copying and pasting early in learning will not produce the results you are looking for, and will catch up to you eventually.


Please submit .r, .rmd, or .qmd files ONLY.


We will use packages:



The Data Mining with R book used the Boston housing dataset as an example for association rule learning. Indeed, association rule learning can be used beyond transaction data mining. 

Boston housing dataset description is at 

The 14 variables in this dataset include:

  1. CRIM - per capita crime rate by town

  2. ZN - proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.

  3. INDUS - proportion of non-retail business acres per town.

  4. CHAS - Charles River dummy variable (1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise)

  5. NOX - nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)

  6. RM - average number of rooms per dwelling

  7. AGE - proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940

  8. DIS - weighted distances to five Boston employment centres

  9. RAD - index of accessibility to radial highways

  10. TAX - full-value property-tax rate per $10,000

  11. PTRATIO - pupil-teacher ratio by town

  12. B - 1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town

  13. LSTAT - % lower status of the population

  14. MEDV - Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000’s

After going through this exercise, perform association rule learning on your dataset. If you have a text dataset, construct a document-term matrix from the text, then convert that to transaction data forma, you can treat the list of terms as items and mine association among the terms. 

You want to explore different thresholds, use the interactive vis tools provided by arulesViz, and find and report at least two interesting association rules from your dataset. 

Optional: If you would like to experience association rule mining using a transactional dataset, you can also try to use the Groceries dataset that comes with the arules package. Just say data(Groceries) to load the Groceries dataset after loading arules.

Load the data

data(Boston, package = "MASS")

Transform variables

Association rules learning use categorical data. So the first step is transforming variables to factors.

Find classes of each of the column

The map() function is similar to lapply() but works more consistently with the tidyverse data structures:

map(Boston, class)
[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "integer"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "integer"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

[1] "numeric"

All variables are ‘numeric’, really?

Use boxplot, histogram, and/or bar chart to review each of the variables

You will see chas, rad are likely categorical variables disguised as numerical variables

Show unique values in the variables chas and rad, confirming they are not continuous variables.

Boston |>
1    0
2    1
Boston |>
1   1
2   2
3   3
4   5
5   4
6   8
7   6
8   7
9  24

Make these two variables factors

b <- Boston |>
  mutate(chas = factor(chas, labels = c("river", "noriver")),
         rad = factor(rad))
b |> head()
     crim zn indus  chas   nox    rm  age    dis rad tax ptratio  black lstat
1 0.00632 18  2.31 river 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900   1 296    15.3 396.90  4.98
2 0.02731  0  7.07 river 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671   2 242    17.8 396.90  9.14
3 0.02729  0  7.07 river 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671   2 242    17.8 392.83  4.03
4 0.03237  0  2.18 river 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622   3 222    18.7 394.63  2.94
5 0.06905  0  2.18 river 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622   3 222    18.7 396.90  5.33
6 0.02985  0  2.18 river 0.458 6.430 58.7 6.0622   3 222    18.7 394.12  5.21
1 24.0
2 21.6
3 34.7
4 33.4
5 36.2
6 28.7

Bin all remaining numerical variables

Bin black first, to give it meaningful labels to aid interpretation:

b <- b |>
  mutate(black = binning(black, nbins = 4, labels = c(">31.5%", "18.5-31.5%", "8-18.5%", "<8%"), type = "equal"))

Now discretize all other numerical variables into 4 equal-width bins -- this is an arbitrary decision. Ideally expert domain knowledge should be consulted to bin, or try a few different ways, such as equal-depth. Also each variable can be binned differently.

bin <-function(x) binning(x, nbins = 4, labels=c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High"), type = "equal")

Apply function bin on all numerical variables (-c() to exclude variables that have been converted to factors), then bind the newly cut variables back.

b <- b |>
  select(-c("chas", "rad", "black")) |> 
  mutate_all(list(bin)) |> 
  bind_cols(select(b, c("chas", "rad", "black")))
b |> head()
  crim  zn indus    nox      rm     age    dis tax ptratio lstat    medv  chas
1  low low   low medLow medHigh medHigh medLow low  medLow   low  medLow river
2  low low   low    low medHigh    High medLow low medHigh   low  medLow river
3  low low   low    low medHigh medHigh medLow low medHigh   low medHigh river
4  low low   low    low medHigh  medLow medLow low medHigh   low medHigh river
5  low low   low    low medHigh medHigh medLow low medHigh   low medHigh river
6  low low   low    low medHigh medHigh medLow low medHigh   low medHigh river
  rad black
1   1   <8%
2   2   <8%
3   2   <8%
4   3   <8%
5   3   <8%
6   3   <8%
[1] 506  14
b |> summary()
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")              
 freq  :c("491", " 10", "  2", "  3")                      
 rate  :c("0.970356", "0.019763", "0.003953", "0.005929")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")          
 freq  :c("429", " 32", " 16", " 29")                  
 rate  :c("0.84783", "0.06324", "0.03162", "0.05731")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")          
 freq  :c("202", "112", "165", " 27")                  
 rate  :c("0.39921", "0.22134", "0.32609", "0.05336")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")          
 freq  :c("200", "182", "100", " 24")                  
 rate  :c("0.39526", "0.35968", "0.19763", "0.04743")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")          
 freq  :c("  8", "234", "236", " 28")                  
 rate  :c("0.01581", "0.46245", "0.46640", "0.05534")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")      
 freq  :c(" 51", " 97", " 96", "262")              
 rate  :c("0.1008", "0.1917", "0.1897", "0.5178")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")              
 freq  :c("305", "144", " 52", "  5")                      
 rate  :c("0.602767", "0.284585", "0.102767", "0.009881")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")              
 freq  :c("240", "128", "  1", "137")                      
 rate  :c("0.474308", "0.252964", "0.001976", "0.270751")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")      
 freq  :c(" 58", " 68", "171", "209")              
 rate  :c("0.1146", "0.1344", "0.3379", "0.4130")  
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")          
 freq  :c("243", "187", " 57", " 19")                  
 rate  :c("0.48024", "0.36957", "0.11265", "0.03755")  
     medv                                                    chas    
 levels:c("low", "medLow", "medHigh", "High")           river  :471  
 freq  :c("116", "284", " 74", " 32")                   noriver: 35  
 rate  :c("0.22925", "0.56126", "0.14625", "0.06324")                
      rad         black                                              
 24     :132   levels:c(">31.5%", "18.5-31.5%", "8-18.5%", "<8%")    
 5      :115   freq  :c(" 31", "  8", " 15", "452")                  
 4      :110   rate  :c("0.06126", "0.01581", "0.02964", "0.89328")  
 3      : 38                                                         
 6      : 26                                                         
 2      : 24                                                         
 (Other): 61                                                         

Transform the dataframe b to a transactions dataset, where each row is described by a set of binary variables (this is “bitmap indexing” we learned in Chapter 4 in the textbook)

b <- as(b, "transactions")
#transactions data are often very large and sparse, directly looking at it won’t give your much information.You can see how the columns are constructed by using colnames(), or see a summary() of it. To see the records, use inspect(): inspect(b[1:9]) show the first 9 transactions. 
 [1] "crim=low"         "crim=medLow"      "crim=medHigh"     "crim=High"       
 [5] "zn=low"           "zn=medLow"        "zn=medHigh"       "zn=High"         
 [9] "indus=low"        "indus=medLow"     "indus=medHigh"    "indus=High"      
[13] "nox=low"          "nox=medLow"       "nox=medHigh"      "nox=High"        
[17] "rm=low"           "rm=medLow"        "rm=medHigh"       "rm=High"         
[21] "age=low"          "age=medLow"       "age=medHigh"      "age=High"        
[25] "dis=low"          "dis=medLow"       "dis=medHigh"      "dis=High"        
[29] "tax=low"          "tax=medLow"       "tax=medHigh"      "tax=High"        
[33] "ptratio=low"      "ptratio=medLow"   "ptratio=medHigh"  "ptratio=High"    
[37] "lstat=low"        "lstat=medLow"     "lstat=medHigh"    "lstat=High"      
[41] "medv=low"         "medv=medLow"      "medv=medHigh"     "medv=High"       
[45] "chas=river"       "chas=noriver"     "rad=1"            "rad=2"           
[49] "rad=3"            "rad=4"            "rad=5"            "rad=6"           
[53] "rad=7"            "rad=8"            "rad=24"           "black=>31.5%"    
[57] "black=18.5-31.5%" "black=8-18.5%"    "black=<8%"       
b |> summary()
transactions as itemMatrix in sparse format with
 506 rows (elements/itemsets/transactions) and
 59 columns (items) and a density of 0.2372881 

most frequent items:
  crim=low chas=river  black=<8%     zn=low    dis=low    (Other) 
       491        471        452        429        305       4936 

element (itemset/transaction) length distribution:

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
     14      14      14      14      14      14 

includes extended item information - examples:
        labels variables  levels
1     crim=low      crim     low
2  crim=medLow      crim  medLow
3 crim=medHigh      crim medHigh

includes extended transaction information - examples:
1             1
2             2
3             3
inspect(b[1:3]) #a transaction consists of a set of items and a transaction ID. Still have questions on transactions, check out another small example included at the end of this exercise. 
    items              transactionID
[1] {crim=low,                      
     black=<8%}                    1
[2] {crim=low,                      
     black=<8%}                    2
[3] {crim=low,                      
     black=<8%}                    3

Show frequent items with minsup >= 0.3. Cex.names indicates the size of axis names:

Inspecting our results

Using arules

itemFrequencyPlot(b, support=0.3, cex.names=0.8)

ars <- apriori(b, parameter = list(support = 0.025, confidence = 0.75))

Parameter specification:
 confidence minval smax arem  aval originalSupport maxtime support minlen
       0.75    0.1    1 none FALSE            TRUE       5   0.025      1
 maxlen target  ext
     10  rules TRUE

Algorithmic control:
 filter tree heap memopt load sort verbose
    0.1 TRUE TRUE  FALSE TRUE    2    TRUE

Absolute minimum support count: 12 

set item appearances ...[0 item(s)] done [0.00s].
set transactions ...[59 item(s), 506 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
sorting and recoding items ... [52 item(s)] done [0.00s].
creating transaction tree ... done [0.00s].
checking subsets of size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Warning in apriori(b, parameter = list(support = 0.025, confidence = 0.75)):
Mining stopped (maxlen reached). Only patterns up to a length of 10 returned!
 done [0.02s].
writing ... [408638 rule(s)] done [0.02s].
creating S4 object  ... done [0.17s].
set of 408638 rules 
ars |> summary()
set of 408638 rules

rule length distribution (lhs + rhs):sizes
     1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10 
     4    293   3650  18932  53620  92554 103550  78411  41677  15947 

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  1.000   6.000   7.000   6.846   8.000  10.000 

summary of quality measures:
    support          confidence        coverage            lift        
 Min.   :0.02569   Min.   :0.7500   Min.   :0.02569   Min.   : 0.7799  
 1st Qu.:0.02964   1st Qu.:0.9189   1st Qu.:0.02964   1st Qu.: 1.0743  
 Median :0.03755   Median :1.0000   Median :0.03953   Median : 1.6590  
 Mean   :0.04857   Mean   :0.9517   Mean   :0.05150   Mean   : 1.9759  
 3rd Qu.:0.05534   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:0.05731   3rd Qu.: 2.4211  
 Max.   :0.97036   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.00000   Max.   :19.4615  
 Min.   : 13.00  
 1st Qu.: 15.00  
 Median : 19.00  
 Mean   : 24.58  
 3rd Qu.: 28.00  
 Max.   :491.00  

mining info:
 data ntransactions support confidence
    b           506   0.025       0.75
 apriori(data = b, parameter = list(support = 0.025, confidence = 0.75))

Sub-setting by rules

Say we are interested in the association between pollution NOX and property value MEDV.

Find top 5 rules by confidence with medv = High attribute on the right side rhs

subset_result <- subset(ars, subset = rhs %in% "medv=High")
subset_result <- sort(subset_result, by = "confidence", decreasing = TRUE)
subset_result <- head(subset_result, n = 5)
    lhs               rhs            support confidence   coverage    lift count
[1] {rm=High,                                                                   
     ptratio=low}  => {medv=High} 0.02964427          1 0.02964427 15.8125    15
[2] {rm=High,                                                                   
     lstat=low}    => {medv=High} 0.02964427          1 0.02964427 15.8125    15
[3] {rm=High,                                                                   
     black=<8%}    => {medv=High} 0.02964427          1 0.02964427 15.8125    15
[4] {crim=low,                                                                  
     ptratio=low}  => {medv=High} 0.02964427          1 0.02964427 15.8125    15
[5] {rm=High,                                                                   
     black=<8%}    => {medv=High} 0.02964427          1 0.02964427 15.8125    15

Find top 5 rules by confidence with medv = low attribute on the right side rhs

subset_result <- subset(ars, subset = rhs %in% "medv=low")
subset_result <- sort(subset_result, by = "confidence", decreasing = TRUE)
subset_result <- head(subset_result, n = 5)
    lhs                 rhs           support confidence   coverage     lift count
[1] {nox=medHigh,                                                                 
     lstat=medHigh}  => {medv=low} 0.05928854          1 0.05928854 4.362069    30
[2] {nox=medHigh,                                                                 
     rad=24}         => {medv=low} 0.05928854          1 0.05928854 4.362069    30
[3] {nox=medHigh,                                                                 
     lstat=medHigh}  => {medv=low} 0.05928854          1 0.05928854 4.362069    30
[4] {indus=medHigh,                                                               
     lstat=medHigh}  => {medv=low} 0.05928854          1 0.05928854 4.362069    30
[5] {nox=medHigh,                                                                 
     lstat=medHigh}  => {medv=low} 0.05928854          1 0.05928854 4.362069    30

Use | (or) to include other conditions:

subset_result <- subset(ars, subset = rhs %in% "nox=High" | lhs %in% "nox=High")
subset_result <- sort(subset_result, by = "confidence", decreasing = TRUE)
subset_result <- head(subset_result, n = 5)
    lhs           rhs             support    confidence coverage   lift    
[1] {nox=High} => {indus=medHigh} 0.04743083 1          0.04743083 3.066667
[2] {nox=High} => {age=High}      0.04743083 1          0.04743083 1.931298
[3] {nox=High} => {dis=low}       0.04743083 1          0.04743083 1.659016
[4] {nox=High} => {zn=low}        0.04743083 1          0.04743083 1.179487
[5] {nox=High} => {crim=low}      0.04743083 1          0.04743083 1.030550
[1] 24   
[2] 24   
[3] 24   
[4] 24   
[5] 24   

Showing top 5 rules by support with medv = High attribute on the right side rhs

subset_result <- subset(ars, subset = rhs %in% "medv=High")
subset_result <- sort(subset_result, by = "support", decreasing = TRUE)
subset_result <- head(subset_result, n = 5)
    lhs                                rhs         support    confidence
[1] {rm=High}                       => {medv=High} 0.04743083 0.8571429 
[2] {rm=High, lstat=low}            => {medv=High} 0.04743083 0.8571429 
[3] {rm=High, black=<8%}            => {medv=High} 0.04743083 0.8571429 
[4] {crim=low, rm=High}             => {medv=High} 0.04743083 0.8571429 
[5] {rm=High, lstat=low, black=<8%} => {medv=High} 0.04743083 0.8571429 
    coverage   lift     count
[1] 0.05533597 13.55357 24   
[2] 0.05533597 13.55357 24   
[3] 0.05533597 13.55357 24   
[4] 0.05533597 13.55357 24   
[5] 0.05533597 13.55357 24   

Other ways to subset

Find rules generated from maximal/closed itemsets:

Maximal itemsets

subset_result <- subset(ars, subset = is.maximal(ars))
subset_result <- sort(subset_result, by = "confidence", decreasing = TRUE)
subset_result <- head(subset_result, n = 5)
    lhs                                       rhs         support   confidence
[1] {zn=low, lstat=medLow, chas=noriver}   => {crim=low}  0.0256917 1         
[2] {crim=low, lstat=medLow, chas=noriver} => {zn=low}    0.0256917 1         
[3] {rm=medHigh, chas=noriver, black=<8%}  => {crim=low}  0.0256917 1         
[4] {crim=low, rm=medHigh, chas=noriver}   => {black=<8%} 0.0256917 1         
[5] {rm=medLow, ptratio=low, medv=medLow}  => {crim=low}  0.0256917 1         
    coverage  lift     count
[1] 0.0256917 1.030550 13   
[2] 0.0256917 1.179487 13   
[3] 0.0256917 1.030550 13   
[4] 0.0256917 1.119469 13   
[5] 0.0256917 1.030550 13   

Need to find freq itemsets to find closed itemsets:

freq.itemsets <- apriori(b, parameter = list(target = "frequent itemsets", support = 0.025))

Parameter specification:
 confidence minval smax arem  aval originalSupport maxtime support minlen
         NA    0.1    1 none FALSE            TRUE       5   0.025      1
 maxlen            target  ext
     10 frequent itemsets TRUE

Algorithmic control:
 filter tree heap memopt load sort verbose
    0.1 TRUE TRUE  FALSE TRUE    2    TRUE

Absolute minimum support count: 12 

set item appearances ...[0 item(s)] done [0.00s].
set transactions ...[59 item(s), 506 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
sorting and recoding items ... [52 item(s)] done [0.00s].
creating transaction tree ... done [0.00s].
checking subsets of size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Warning in apriori(b, parameter = list(target = "frequent itemsets", support =
0.025)): Mining stopped (maxlen reached). Only patterns up to a length of 10
 done [0.02s].
sorting transactions ... done [0.00s].
writing ... [106259 set(s)] done [0.01s].
creating S4 object  ... done [0.01s].
set of 106259 itemsets 
subset_result <- subset(ars, subset = is.closed(freq.itemsets))
subset_result <- sort(subset_result, by = "confidence", decreasing = TRUE)
subset_result <- head(subset_result, n = 5)
    lhs           rhs             support    confidence coverage   lift    
[1] {rad=1}    => {black=<8%}     0.03952569 1          0.03952569 1.119469
[2] {nox=High} => {indus=medHigh} 0.04743083 1          0.04743083 3.066667
[3] {nox=High} => {dis=low}       0.04743083 1          0.04743083 1.659016
[4] {nox=High} => {zn=low}        0.04743083 1          0.04743083 1.179487
[5] {rad=2}    => {black=<8%}     0.04743083 1          0.04743083 1.119469
[1] 20   
[2] 24   
[3] 24   
[4] 24   
[5] 24   

Find closed itemsets

closed = freq.itemsets[is.closed(freq.itemsets)]
closed |> summary() 
set of 11351 itemsets

most frequent items:
  crim=low  black=<8%     zn=low chas=river    dis=low    (Other) 
      9822       7839       7794       6833       4237      44615 

element (itemset/transaction) length distribution:sizes
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10 
  13   72  239  632 1309 2059 2346 1782  829 2070 

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  1.000   6.000   7.000   7.148   9.000  10.000 

summary of quality measures:
    support            count       
 Min.   :0.02569   Min.   : 13.00  
 1st Qu.:0.03360   1st Qu.: 17.00  
 Median :0.04743   Median : 24.00  
 Mean   :0.06915   Mean   : 34.99  
 3rd Qu.:0.07708   3rd Qu.: 39.00  
 Max.   :0.97036   Max.   :491.00  

includes transaction ID lists: FALSE 

mining info:
 data ntransactions support confidence
    b           506   0.025          1
 apriori(data = b, parameter = list(target = "frequent itemsets", support = 0.025))

Find maximal itemsets

maximal = freq.itemsets[is.maximal(freq.itemsets)]
maximal |> summary()
set of 2949 itemsets

most frequent items:
  crim=low chas=river     zn=low  black=<8%    dis=low    (Other) 
      2401       2247       2238       2093       1755      16939 

element (itemset/transaction) length distribution:sizes
   4    5    6    7    8    9   10 
   4   21   57  184  295  318 2070 

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  4.000   9.000  10.000   9.384  10.000  10.000 

summary of quality measures:
    support            count      
 Min.   :0.02569   Min.   :13.00  
 1st Qu.:0.02569   1st Qu.:13.00  
 Median :0.02964   Median :15.00  
 Mean   :0.03450   Mean   :17.46  
 3rd Qu.:0.03755   3rd Qu.:19.00  
 Max.   :0.14032   Max.   :71.00  

includes transaction ID lists: FALSE 

mining info:
 data ntransactions support confidence
    b           506   0.025          1
 apriori(data = b, parameter = list(target = "frequent itemsets", support = 0.025))

Check shorter rules

subset_result <- subset(ars, subset = size(lhs) < 5 & size(lhs) > 1)
subset_result <- sort(subset_result, by = "support", decreasing = TRUE)
subset_result <- head(subset_result, n = 5)
    lhs                        rhs          support   confidence coverage 
[1] {chas=river, black=<8%} => {crim=low}   0.8083004 0.9784689  0.8260870
[2] {crim=low, black=<8%}   => {chas=river} 0.8083004 0.9232506  0.8754941
[3] {crim=low, chas=river}  => {black=<8%}  0.8083004 0.8969298  0.9011858
[4] {zn=low, chas=river}    => {crim=low}   0.7569170 0.9623116  0.7865613
[5] {crim=low, zn=low}      => {chas=river} 0.7569170 0.9251208  0.8181818
    lift      count
[1] 1.0083610 409  
[2] 0.9918573 409  
[3] 1.0040852 409  
[4] 0.9917101 383  
[5] 0.9938665 383  

Note the above rules have high support and confidence but low lift.

subset_result <- subset(ars, subset = size(lhs) < 5 & size(lhs) > 1 & lift > 2)
subset_result <- sort(subset_result, by = "support", decreasing = TRUE)
subset_result <- head(subset_result, n = 5)
    lhs                               rhs         support   confidence
[1] {nox=low, black=<8%}           => {indus=low} 0.3221344 0.8150000 
[2] {indus=low, black=<8%}         => {nox=low}   0.3221344 0.8069307 
[3] {crim=low, nox=low}            => {indus=low} 0.3221344 0.8150000 
[4] {crim=low, indus=low}          => {nox=low}   0.3221344 0.8069307 
[5] {crim=low, nox=low, black=<8%} => {indus=low} 0.3221344 0.8150000 
    coverage  lift     count
[1] 0.3952569 2.041535 163  
[2] 0.3992095 2.041535 163  
[3] 0.3952569 2.041535 163  
[4] 0.3992095 2.041535 163  
[5] 0.3952569 2.041535 163  

arules compute many different kinds of interestMeasure besides support, confidence, and lift.

See the help page on interestMeasure for more examples. 

Visualization of association rules


To reduce overplotting, jitter is added! Use jitter = 0 to prevent jitter.


Warning!!! : This interactive plot may crash R Studio. Save your project now before running the command below (or don’t run it…)

plot(ars, engine="interactive")

Click the stop sign or the ESC key to terminate an interactive session. 

You can filter your rules to a smaller set and then use the interactive exploration to identify interesting rules. 

plot(ars, engine="htmlwidget")


somerules <- subset(ars, subset = size(lhs) > 1 & confidence > 0.90 & support > 0.5)

plot(somerules, method = "grouped")

Matrix grouped plot

plot(somerules, method="matrix")

Graph (network) plot

plot(somerules, method = "graph")


plot(somerules, method = "graph", engine = "htmlwidget")

Illustrate what is “transactions” data structure using a small example


d <- data.frame(site = c("tucson", "phoenix"), season = c("spring", "summer"), price = c("high", "low"))
     site season price
1  tucson spring  high
2 phoenix summer   low

Convert dataframe to transactions

d_t <-as(d, "transactions")
Warning: Column(s) 1, 2, 3 not logical or factor. Applying default
discretization (see '? discretizeDF').
transactions in sparse format with
 2 transactions (rows) and
 6 items (columns)

Each row in the dataframe is converted to one transaction (2 transactions total).

What are the 6 items?

d_t |> summary()
transactions as itemMatrix in sparse format with
 2 rows (elements/itemsets/transactions) and
 6 columns (items) and a density of 0.5 

most frequent items:
 site=phoenix   site=tucson season=spring season=summer    price=high 
            1             1             1             1             1 

element (itemset/transaction) length distribution:

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
      3       3       3       3       3       3 

includes extended item information - examples:
         labels variables  levels
1  site=phoenix      site phoenix
2   site=tucson      site  tucson
3 season=spring    season  spring

includes extended transaction information - examples:
1             1
2             2

Why density = 0.5?

Because the bitmap index is half empty:

Site=t Site=p Season=sp Season=su Price=h Price=l
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1

Check out the transaction records

    items                                    transactionID
[1] {site=tucson, season=spring, price=high} 1            
[2] {site=phoenix, season=summer, price=low} 2            

Each transaction has one itemset, and in this example, the itemset for transaction 1 is site=tucson, season=spring, price=high.


Exercises on your data set:

Mine association rules from your dataset. Discuss a couple of interesting rules mined.