Summary table of models


Throughout the course, we will go over several supervised and unsupervised machine learning models. This page summarizes the models.

Model Type Strengths Limitations Example Use Cases Implementation
  • Simple and interpretable
  • Fast to train
  • Assumes linear boundaries
  • Not suitable for complex relationships
  • Credit approval
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Intuitive
  • Can model non-linear relationships
  • Prone to overfitting
  • Sensitive to small changes in data
  • Customer segmentation
  • Loan default prediction
  • Handles overfitting
  • Can model complex relationships
  • Slower to train and predict
  • Black box model
  • Fraud detection
  • Stock price movement prediction
  • Effective in high dimensional spaces
  • Works well with clear margin of separation
  • Sensitive to kernel choice
  • Slow on large datasets
  • Image classification
  • Handwriting recognition
  • Simple and intuitive
  • No training phase
  • Slow during query phase
  • Sensitive to irrelevant features and scale
  • Product recommendation
  • Document classification
  • Capable of approximating complex functions
  • Flexible architecture Trainable with backpropagation
  • Can require a large number of parameters
  • Prone to overfitting on small data Training can be slow
  • Pattern recognition
  • Basic image classification
  • Function approximation
  • Can model highly complex relationships
  • Excels with vast amounts of data State-of-the-art results in many domains
  • Requires a lot of data Computationally intensive
  • Interpretability challenges
  • Advanced image and speech recognition
  • Machine translation
  • Game playing (like AlphaGo)
  • Fast
  • Works well with large feature sets
  • Assumes feature independence
  • Not suitable for numerical input features
  • Spam detection
  • Sentiment analysis
  • High performance
  • Handles non-linear relationships
  • Prone to overfitting if not tuned
  • Slow to train
  • Web search ranking
  • Ecology predictions
  • Transparent and explainable
  • Easily updated and modified
  • Manual rule creation can be tedious
  • May not capture complex relationships
  • Expert systems
  • Business rule enforcement
  • Reduces variance
  • Parallelizable
  • May not handle bias well
  • Random Forest is a popular example
  • Reduces bias
  • Combines weak learners
  • Sensitive to noisy data and outliers
  • AdaBoost
  • Gradient Boosting
  • Scalable and efficient
  • Regularization
  • Requires careful tuning
  • Can overfit if not used correctly
  • Competitions on Kaggle
  • Retail prediction
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • Simple and interpretable
  • Assumes Gaussian distributed data and equal class covariances
  • Face recognition
  • Marketing segmentation
  • Prevents overfitting
  • Handles collinearity
  • Requires parameter tuning
  • May result in loss of interpretability
  • Ridge and Lasso regression
  • Combines multiple models
  • Can improve accuracy
  • Increases model complexity
  • Risk of overfitting if base models are correlated
  • Meta-modeling
  • Kaggle competitions
Model Type Strengths Limitations Example Use Cases Implementation
  • Simple and interpretable
  • Assumes linear relationship
  • Sensitive to outliers
  • Sales forecasting
  • Risk assessment
  • Can model non-linear relationships
  • Can overfit with high degrees
  • Growth prediction
  • Non-linear trend modeling
  • Prevents overfitting
  • Regularizes the model
  • Does not perform feature selection
  • High-dimensional data
  • Preventing overfitting
  • Feature selection
  • Regularizes the model
  • May exclude useful variables
  • Feature selection
  • High-dimensional datasets
  • Balance between Ridge and Lasso
  • Requires tuning for mixing parameter
  • High-dimensional datasets with correlated features
  • Models the median or other quantiles
  • Less interpretable than ordinary regression
  • Median house price prediction
  • Financial quantiles modeling
  • Flexible
  • Can handle non-linear relationships
  • Sensitive to kernel and hyperparameters
  • Stock price prediction
  • Non-linear trend modeling
  • Handles non-linear data
  • Interpretable
  • Can overfit on noisy data
  • Price prediction
  • Quality assessment
  • Handles large datasets
  • Reduces overfitting
  • Requires more computational resources
  • Large datasets
  • Environmental modeling
  • High performance
  • Can handle non-linear relationships
  • Prone to overfitting if not tuned
  • Web search ranking
  • Price prediction
Model Type Strengths Limitations Example Use Cases Implementation
  • Simple and widely used
  • Fast for large datasets
  • Sensitive to initial conditions
  • Requires specifying the number of clusters
  • Market segmentation
  • Image compression
  • Doesn’t require specifying the number of clusters
  • Produces a dendrogram
  • May be computationally expensive for large datasets
  • Taxonomies
  • Determining evolutionary relationships
  • Can find arbitrarily shaped clusters
  • Doesn’t require specifying the number of clusters
  • Sensitive to scale
  • Requires density parameters to be set
  • Noise detection and anomaly detection
  • Variety of linkage criteria
  • Produces a hierarchy of clusters
  • Not scalable for very large datasets
  • Sociological hierarchies
  • Taxonomies
  • No need to specify number of clusters
  • Can find arbitrarily shaped clusters
  • Computationally expensive
  • Bandwidth parameter selection is crucial
  • Image analysis
  • Computer vision tasks
  • Automatically determines the number of clusters
  • Good for data with lots of exemplars
  • High computational complexity
  • Preference parameter can be difficult to choose
  • Image recognition
  • Data with many similar exemplars
  • Can capture complex cluster structures
  • Can be used with various affinity matrices
  • Choice of affinity matrix is crucial
  • Can be computationally expensive
  • Image and speech processing
  • Graph-based clustering